Tokachi Onsen

Tokachi Onsen (十勝岳温泉) is a famous hot spring area in Hokkaido. Quieter than places such as Sounkyo Onsen and with a less touristy feel, it’s a great place to come for some hiking and relaxing. Budget travel tips Bring some food with you, as there is no big shop here and the restaurants can be aContinue reading “Tokachi Onsen”

Post volcano eruption ghost town – Lake Toya

Lake Toya is a hot spring town in Hokkaido, home to some very strange volcanic activity. The nearby volcano, Mount Usu, has an eruption every 30 to 50 years and the most recent was in 2000. The town was evacuated, with a new mountain being created by the eruption, causing roads, buildings and more to be destroyed,Continue reading “Post volcano eruption ghost town – Lake Toya”

Lake Toya (Toyako)

Lake Toya (洞爺湖) is one of the best hot spring towns in Japan for budget travelers. The combination of many free hot spring facilities, cheap bus routes and some super cheap accommodation makes the place stand out from the others. It’s also a hotspot for modern art. Budget travel tips Make sure you get toContinue reading “Lake Toya (Toyako)”


Hakone (箱根) is the most popular Tokyo side trip.  There is something for everyone here, such as hiking, walking, volcano viewing and hot springs.  Maps and signs are all in English as well, so it’s very easy to get around. Budget travel tips Get the Hakone Free Pass.  This provides free travel to and around Hakone,Continue reading “Hakone”